Montag, 2. Februar 2015

Bugfixes for v0.115c

New version available in the release folder!NERQzA7R!g7yjYHj_H0xA00l96ILpCA

Here's what's been fixed:
-Text loop when using the tentacles mass in your bed.
-Biography menu showing up in the wrong menu.
-Absorption not showing up in the list of skills.

Sonntag, 1. Februar 2015

Salacious Stellania v0.115c

Update time!
Download link in the right sidebar

Salacious Stellania v0.115c:
-Junkies deal a little less damage (They're still dangerous.)
-Added: Frozen Lake Village (It's hidden, find it if you can.)
-Following scenes have been added for characters with vaginas
    (Note: Use the Slit Splitter in your inventory to grow a vagina)
    -Sven and Markus
    -Temple of Butt
    -Tentacle Mass
-Maximum Party Size set to 3
-New abilities are available from the beginning:
    -Focus for Rogues
-Following new ability scrolls are available in the Pineshire shop:
    -Reckless Charge for Tanks
    -Recuperate for Rogues
    -Absorption for Priests
    -Dazzle for Mages
-Bugfix: Slaves can't be duplicated in the Pen anymore.
-Bugfix: Game will no longer crash when selecting bodies.
-Bugfix: Cancelling choices during character creation is no longer possible.
-Bugfix: Crafting recipes now appear in the crafting section properly.