Freitag, 21. November 2014

Salacious Stellania TestVersion.

You can get the "game" here:!cRZjQAZI!VMLv1H1w_KOs1u2Gv8E2-EsVbkCdcKkUZ6PmtHci7Qk

Walkthrough for Pineshire.

To complete Pineshire, only a couple of things are necessary:

-Find Jenny in her tent and let her join you. This will grant you entry to the town.
-Find the Winter Druid in the Northeast (Hint: Find a way through the mountains)
-Do the Dungeon in the Southwest
-Talk the the Winter Druid again
-Talk to Lord Barton.

There's two more simple optional quests on the map which unlock some scenes.

Donnerstag, 20. November 2014

First Post

Here's my first post, a list of the scenes available in Pineshire and how to access them:

Blowjob: Select "Let her please you"
Sex: Select Yes when she asks for another round

Forced Scene: Win against a Junkie
Get forced: Lose against a Junkie

Thigh fuck: Let her "inspect your genitals"
Standing Cunnilingus: Baron's Estate floor two with over 65 fitness

Forced: Let him join your party, go into your house's basement, fight him, leave him in the pen, talk to him.

-Vampire Lady
Big Dick Scene: Complete the Winter Druid, Hork and Vampire Lady Quests. Requires 30 Dick Girth

Receive Anal: "Bribe" him before you complete the Winter Druid's quest. Requires 350 Capacity

Massive Cum: Buy massages from her until she reaches 100 lust, then select "Massive Cum". Requires 150 ml ejaculation volume.

Receive Anal: Pay him.

-Snow Bunny/Hork
Spitroast: Start Horks quest and bring him a Snow Bunny.